Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thankful Thursday. Thankful for snow.

When you read the title you might be thinking "What?!?! She's thankful for SNOW!?!?!" Well, I am most certainly thankful for least today I am. :) Yes, I do admit that I tend to complain about snow...a lot. But, living in New Hampshire I pretty much have no choice but to live with it! We have been hit with snow like crazy this year! At first, we barley had any snow. Then, we had our first "real" storm the day after Christmas, and ever since then, it seems like it hasn't stopped! Now don't get me wrong, I do sometimes love snow! Like during ski season, snow is my best friend! But it's when we still have snow in April that I am not loving it so much...{let's see how long the snow lasts this year!} But today, I am especially thankful for snow because we had a 2-hour delay this morning because of this wonderful snow! :) Thursday mornings are always rough with youth group the night before, so it was nice today to sleep in and not have to rush in the morning. {story of my life} So, enjoy the few pictures I snapped this morning before heading off to school!

{these were all shoot from inside my house because I was running too late to go outside :P}

So what are you thankful for on this winter-y Thursday? :)

Happy Thursday Everyone!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. That is a LOT of snow! And you only got a 2 hour delay? New Hampshire must be totally prepared for snow : ) We would definitely have a day off in Pennsylvania for all for that snow!


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